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Tim Snell
Mar 5, 20235 min read
Did Stress Cause My Deafness?
Was it really the stress? Despite MRI’s, an ultrasound, a genetic test, and a range of other diagnostics, ENT specialists have no answers.
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Tim Snell
Feb 20, 20233 min read
Take a Deep Breath...
Bringing awareness to your breath can also be beneficial when dealing with anxiety-inducing situations at work.
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Tim Snell
Feb 13, 20235 min read
Reducing Stress Through Conscious Breathing
Chronic or repeated stress can do more than make us feel a bit anxious; it can lead to physical illness. Conscious breathing can help.
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Tim Snell
Feb 6, 20233 min read
The Secret Emotional Coding in Your Birthday
Your birth-date can help you navigate your mental, emotional and soul wounds.
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Tim Snell
Jan 30, 20235 min read
Why Breathwork? Why Now?
Breathwork is one of the fastest ways to change your state moment to moment. It is recognised as a way to create rapid change in your life.
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Tim Snell
Jan 23, 20238 min read
5 Simple Breathing Techniques for Balancing Health & Vitality
Breathing is the single most important thing you do every day. Conscious breathing can change your whole life.
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21 Days of Wisdom
~ a video series ~
90 Days of Wisdom
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